Eight local community organisations have shared in $10,000 raised by Woodgate Community Events this year.
Funds raised by Woodgate Community Events during the Easter fair have been distributed to local emergency medical and transport services, wildlife carers and veterans’ and cancer support.
Woodgate Community Events president Lesley Christensen says one of the core values of the organisation is to support those who care for and support the local community.
“Woodgate Community Events proudly organises three key events for our community to enjoy each year, and we take the fundraising role of our events seriously.
“While we do seek financial support via our event sponsors and the Bundaberg Regional Council to run these events, our fundraising efforts are for the direct benefit of the community.
“Up to 10,000 people attended the Easter@Woodgate Fair this year – a fantastic turnout – and our fundraiser raffles and food stalls were generously supported.
“We are very happy to be able to pass this generosity onto some vital and very much appreciated services.
“All of the recipient organisations are essential in our small community, whether they provide frontline care or raise awareness about issues affecting our lives and community,” Lesley said.
The Arts in Spring festival is next on the Woodgate Community Events calendar.
Held over the October long weekend, the annual arts-based festival offers a taste of fine art alongside fun-art, markets and music.
“We’d love to see a big crowd come along to experience our curated art exhibition this year. The artists and creative talent on display will surprise and delight.
“You can mingle at the exhibition gala opening or bring the family and join in our activities in the park and markets over the weekend,” Lesley said.
“Of course, don’t forget to buy a raffle ticket or a hamburger at the Community Events marquees and help support our community.”
Donations were provided to:
- Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea, Cancer Council
- Forest View Childers – Bus
- LifeFlight
Mothers’ Day Classic (Woodgate) - Woodgate Community Bus Inc
- Woodgate First Responders
- Woodgate RSL
- Woodgate and Surrounds Wildlife Rescue

Woodgate Community Bus Inc committee members Kev Finnigan (left), Margaret Featherstone, Lynne Beresford (centre) and Sharon Davies (right) were presented with a cheque from Woodgate Community Events’ Marion Woodland and Lesley Christensen.

First Responders Barb Liddell and Dorothea Calder take the cash from Lesley Christensen and Raeleen Cahill.

Norman Anderson from Forest View Childers Inc. accepted a cheque from Lucy Smith and Lesley Christensen. The funds will to go towards their fundraising for a bus.

Woodgate Community Events’ Beth Clarke-Coolle and Lesley Christensen with Mothers’ Day Classic organisers Rosemarie Kirby and Jenni Cole.

Wildlife warrior, Tammy Florager accepted the cheque on behalf of Woodgate and Surrounds Wildlife Rescue.

Community Events Committee members from left Beth, Raeleen, Anne, Lesley and Gail (seated) handed over $2,500 to Suzanne Weir, organiser of Wodogate’s Biggest Morning Tea.