Woodgate Community Events and Bundaberg Regional Council announced Woodgate’s 2024 Australia Day Awards recipients at a BBQ breakfast.
Ms Glenda Campbell was awarded Citizen of Year in recognition of her tireless volunteer work with emergency services and numerous community groups and clubs.
Glenda wears many hats as an active member and Treasurer of the Woodgate Rural Fire Brigade, member of Woodate Weed Busters and Woodgate Readers, Secretary of the Tennis Club and Pickleball Club, member of the Woodgate & District Residents Association, and local volunteer Tai Chi instructor.
Just Books was name Group of the Year for their charitable fundraising via monthly second-hand book sales. The group, led by Di Henderson, have raised more than $20,000 over the years, donating funds to the Woodgate Community Bus.
The Woodgate Community Bus provides a vital transport link for residents who cannot drive to access out-of-town appointments, shopping and social opportunities.
Congratulations to all recipients and nominees! Communities like Woodgate could not thrive without the many hours of volunteer work and many helping hands .
Woodgate Community Events would like to acknowledge the financial assistance given to us by the Bundaberg Regional Council to stage this event.
Photos: Ken Smith