But, what is there to do in Woodgate? #2

The second blog in this “what is there to do” series …

Have you been inspired by the Australian Open? Think you’d like to give tennis a go?

Well you can. The Woodgate Tennis Club is a dedicated group of players who meet twice a week for a social game of tennis and have been doing so for over forty years!

Join club members for a game on Tuesday or Thursday mornings, from 7-9 am or hire the court for your own hit out with family and friends.

Tennis Club membership is $20 per year, with a Pickleball Club membership included. Cost per game is $4 for members, $6.00 non members.

The public, Council-owned courts are located on Seventh Avenue. You can hire the courts at the General Store (on the Esplanade).

A great way to spend a morning among a group of friendly welcoming players.

Photos: Lesley Christensen